THE NAPKIN Coach | Coaching
“Coaching is about unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them”
John Whitmore, in Coaching for Performance
Coaching helps you move from where you are now to where you want to be, how you want to be, and by when you want to be there. As simple as that.
It is a collaborative process that enables personal and professional development, enhances overall well-being, and identifies strengths and opportunities areas.
It is a flexible learning approach that can benefit individuals at all stages of their career and organizations when implemented as part of their learning framework.
As a coach, I work with you to help you identify your strengths and opportunities areas, explore your values and beliefs, set your destination, and create action plans to achieve your desired outcomes.
The coaching process.
The Coaching Process consists of sessions to set goals, identify obstacles, and devise strategies for success.
My role is to guide, offer feedback, and hold you accountable to reach your goals.
The Coaching Process usually comprises the following instances:
1. Contracting – We agree on your long-term goals, along with the overall rules of engagement
2. Assessment - We define the starting point of the engagement and how to track success.
3. Coaching Sessions – Through a series of individual (or group) sessions, we help you move closer to your goals.
4. Check-up Sessions – Check-ups allow reflection about the process progress, celebrate achievements, and refine goals.
5. Closure – in this final stage, we celebrate the successful outcomes of your hard work and commitment

Copyright The Napkin Coach © 2022
THE NAPKIN Coach | Our twist
As The Napkin Coach, I can help you move forward one issue at a time, one coffee at a time, one napkin at a time.
The 'napkin' is a tangible outcome of our session: an idea, solution or answer that you capture and take with you to take the coaching process further

Copyright The Napkin Coach © 2022
At each session, you may take away 'one napkin' with insights from your reflection.
At times, we'll review 'your collection of napkins' to identify what's working and what still needs improvement to achieve the vision of your "future self." These reflection instances will guide you closer to your goals.
THE NAPKIN Coach | Solutions
These are some examples of the coaching engagements we can create for you:

Leadership coaching helps leaders reach their maximum potential through performance-enhancing techniques. It's a one-on-one, individualized approach focused on each leader's unique traits and goals.
Coaching results in improved self-awareness, increased confidence, and an actionable plan to actualize higher potential.

Career coaching can be helpful through life changes and periods of uncertainty. I can help you let go of the old beliefs and thoughts that no longer serve you, find new perspectives to understand the changes in your life, and discover new opportunities.
With greater awareness of yourself, you will gain a new approach to your current situation and be able to explore new possibilities, build self-confidence, and develop a plan of action.

Business Coaching can help organizations and their leaders create and execute strategies for success.
I can help you develop clarity on your strategy, drive implementation action, and remain open to new opportunities or challenges. This can maximize success in achieving business objectives and improve organizational performance.

Team Coaching is an effective approach to improve performance, boost confidence, and foster collaboration.
We can focus on developing teams, setting shared values, learning to work with diverse perspectives and creating strategies for collaborative problem-solving . Self-reflection is also part of the process to understand individual strengths in the team context. Ultimately, team coaching leads to increased job satisfaction and better business results.

Sponsored Coaching is an effective way to develop leaders, improve succession planning, and create a positive organizational culture.
We can combine 1-on-1 or group coaching, workshops, team sessions, and other learning solutions to ensure lasting change.
THE NAPKIN Coach | Assessments and toolkits
These are some additional solutions we can implement for you:

Profile assessments can be used by individuals to gain self-awareness and insight into their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Assessments can provide a basis for personal development and coaching by identifying areas where individuals can focus their efforts to achieve their goals. Examples of the tools we could use are Profile XT®, MBTI®, DiSC®, among others we can choose.

360-Verbal Assessments:
During the coaching engagement, leaders can gain improved self-awareness, increased confidence, and an actionable plan to actualize their higher potential.

Client’s Dashboard:
During the coaching engagement, leaders can gain improved self-awareness, increased confidence, and an actionable plan to actualize their higher potential.